Our clients tell us that one of the most difficult tasks to manage is the scheduling of their compliance tasks. Knowing when important tasks are supposed to be done, and then knowing whether or not they have been done is of critical importance.

To have all tasks scheduled is often one of the biggest challenges and often takes a lot of work and can be easily lost if not afforded the diligence required to maintain the scheduled tasks.
Using the ZetaSafe software, all tasks are scheduled during rollout. Following that, all tasks are scheduled to appear at the set intervals and these are made known to the operators to ensure that the schedules are communicated and understood.
A key component of the scheduling is that it can be shared between clients and service providers.
So all compliance tasks, whether they are for client staff or external providers are scheduled and tracked.
This means that tasks that take place daily, weekly, monthly, annually or even once every 10 years are highlighted to the operators and client and can be completed as required.
Benefits Realised…

A key benefit identified by our clients is that when working with service providers, the efforts associated with creating the schedules are maintained by the clients at all times. So all compliance schedules developed working with contractors remain the IP of the client. That means even when changing service providers the scheduled tasks remain with the client.
Learn more about scheduling
Book a demo with our team and we’ll walk you through how easy it is to schedule compliance tasks.