Looking forward to your Short Notice Accreditation Assessment?

One of our Hospital Clients recently provided some feedback with regards to their first ever short notice accreditation.
Short Notice Accreditation Assessment has been introduced to Hospitals & Day Procedure Units from July 2023. This means that Hospitals (Health Service Organisations – HSO’s for short) can be given 48 hours notice prior to the accreditation assessment. This is a significant departure from the previous arrangement where accreditation assessments were by appointment well in advance and were able to be prepared for by the multi discipline team required to provide evidence to the assessors.
While the intention of this new approach is to be able to assess the ‘Day-to-Day practice’ at the facility, rather than the administratively intense prepared approach – to the accreditation assessment, this does mean that the HSO’s are required to review how they undertake and record their compliance activities in order to be always ‘Audit Ready’.

Working with one of our more progressive clients, we received some great feedback that, although early days, they were very comfortable with how easily they were able to see their current status & demonstrate that the works had undertaken to the auditors.
They key, we were told is to ensure works are undertaken at the right time, by the right people. Thus, being able to view in real time the status of the tasks, whether being performed by staff or contactors is critical to be across the required detail at any given time.
While viewing compliance information on a dashboard is what most of our clients are happy to do, there are some that don’t have the luxury of time to do this regularly and rely on the automated reports to identify if there are any items that require intervention or urgent action.
When reports are received and acted upon, this is where clients are able to manage the small items to ensure they are not significant findings during an audit. This becomes even more critical with Short Notice Accreditation Assessment. There is now very little time to be able to find records that have not been filed correctly or to intervene early enough to be able to demonstrate to auditors that items are being well managed.

We are always grateful to receive positive feedback from our clients and even more so when they are happy to share how we have supported them through a new process and to be able to demonstrate that they are running a world class compliant health care facility.
If you would like to know more about short notice accreditation assessment compliance management and how we can assist you to be ready, please get in touch.
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