Specialised Water… yes, we had to get creative in arriving at that term, but it seems fitting when it comes to managing health care sector compliance across a range of critical areas…
We have been working hard with our clients and fantastic partner, Ecosafe International to support our client needs to manage compliance in key specialised areas within the health sector. These areas are:
- AS4187 Compliance
- Endoscopy Compliance
- Dialysis Compliance
Compliance in these areas is critical for our health clients and importantly to their clients.
Working with Ecosafe International, a thorough and comprehensive understanding of compliance standards has been prepared and applied in the cloud-based compliance software.
All tasks are scheduled as per the standards / client requirement to ensure daily, monthly, and quarterly tasks, including sampling are visible and easily understood by the client teams.
This allows clients to ensure all critical samples are taken and the equally essential, but undervalued operational tasks are complete. This has assisted in clients developing a robust governance around the essential tasks of managing these critical areas within the health care space.
In addition to providing a robust structure, the compliance software makes it simple for operators to complete the tasks in the field. All tasks are scheduled and are visible in the mobile app. Operators simply complete the tasks and record the results on their mobile device. This allows for ease of use and enhances user engagement – make it easy and efficient and your staff will adopt it quickly.
Another key feature, which is used across the three areas is that the sampling is captured in the mobile app as well. This means all samples are captured quickly and efficiently and the chain of custody is robust and send directly to the laboratory – removing the opportunity for human error.
While making the process simple for the busy operational staff is important, of equal importance is providing the management team with an overview of performance of the people and systems.
This is easily visible to the management team by the customisable dashboards and automated reports. This is an area that is particularly valued by the senior management team as it removes any unwanted surprises, allows them to manage resources to ensure critical sampling is complete and if any adverse results are returned, they can intervene early and in accordance with agreed standards.
We are very grateful to our clients for entrusting us with some of these challenges and are happy to report that collectively we have developed a great set of solutions to help manage AS4187 compliance, Endoscopy compliance and Dialysis compliance.
If you would like to know more about managing health care sector compliance, please get in touch.