Yes, I know that the saying is normally, “out of the frying pan and into the fire”, but during these challenging times, we need to consider once we have defeated Covid-19, that we will need to be safe and ready to return to business as usual.
While it may be challenging to see now, while we are in the middle of the Corona Virus Pandemic, that human kind will overcome this challenge. There are already promising signs throughout the world, that if we follow the official advice, the virus can and will be beaten.
China, as an example appears to becoming out the other side and most people that were in lock down are now returning to work and life is returning to normal.
And that is what this post is all about, in particular water hygiene, in a post Covid-19 world. Many of our clients know the importance of maintaining an effective chlorine residual at all parts of your facility. By maintaining the effective chlorine residual, you are giving your facility the best chance of being free from harmful bacteria such as legionella and Nagleria Fowleri.
During these trying times it is important that we remember not to lose sight of some of the important things that may seem to be trivial because they are routine. Compliance management is anything but. Considering your compliance tasks, it is important that these are maintained as best as possible, so that there are no foreseeable incidents waiting for us post the Covid-19 era.
While at Do Diligence our core function is to provide compliance software, we have already been asked by some of our clients to support their client management roles even further. We are ditching the keyboard for a few hours and getting onto site to help manage the physical compliance tasks on site.

These clients understand that there will be life after the Corona Virus and that to get back to a business as usual state (no doubt with a few changes), that there cannot be any unsafe premises or systems due to not managing compliance tasks during this challenging times.
Yes, we do understand that during these challenging times we need to focus on the immediate health, wellbeing and safety of those around us, but equally, we need to consider any risks that we may be creating for people when we get back to work.
As always, if you would like to understand more how we support our client’s with their compliance management tasks, please get in touch.
If you have any suggestions on areas of compliance that will need to be maintained during these challenging times, so as to not create any unsafe conditions when things return to normal, please share them down below.
If you have any questions regarding our compliance software, please contact us.
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